…and strengthen your online presence while you are at it. I assume that you do want to improve your online presence, am I right? If so, one of the most important things for you to consider is the fact that you should have a business blog that lends credibility to you and your business. One way of doing this is to ensure that your blog posts are of an excellent nature. To start the New Year off, here are some simple things that you can put into practice.
Trim it down
Blogs are meant to be for short reading. If your readers wanted a long read, they could go looking for journals, white papers, manuals, and even novels. Use fewer words and be more succinct.
Make sure you use the right words
There is nothing more off putting than reading a business blog that is meant to be an authority in its field and finding wrong word usage all over the place. You are supposed to be an expert in your field, right? Then make sure that you do know what you are talking about. If you are not sure about a term, then do not wing it – find out what it means first. Alternatively, use a more appropriate term that you are sure about.
Take time to proofread
Errors are inevitable. Typographical errors, grammatical errors, spelling errors – we are human so that is to be expected. You can minimize these, however, by proofreading your posts and ensuring that you are delivering quality content.
Originally posted on January 9, 2008 @ 10:56 am