How would you feel if someone came across your blog and wanted to print or e-mail an entry that you published? I personally would feel happy about that. I think that this could be an understatement. The fact that someone else saw some worth in your entry is something to be very proud of, right?

Yet how many blogs have you come across that provide easy access to the content? By easy access, I mean features such as printable view and an e-mail to others button. We normally see these features in news web sites but I have hardly seen a blog with these features. The thought is actually not my own but something that was provoked by a blog post by Krishna De. In that post, the author raises the very same question that I raised in the previous paragraph.

The entry goes a step further, though, by actually presenting a solution to the problem! I have never heard of ECO-SAFE before but it seems that this will allow features such as print and e-mail to be displayed in your blog posts. This is not to say that there are other platforms which may offer similar features. I am just presenting something which I have recently discovered.

The idea is simple – make it as easy as possible for your readers to disseminate the information that you have presented to them. Think of it as free marketing as well!

Originally posted on June 17, 2008 @ 12:23 pm

Blogs, Tips

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