Employees and professionals are rarely satisfied with the compensation package that they get from companies they are in. In most cases, this level of satisfaction increases especially when they become specialists in their field of work, such as Marketing, Sales, Accounting and Administration. The trend is only natural. People feel that they have contributed so much and they are entitled for bonuses and remunerations

 Employee Negotiation

However, a word of caution is that to negotiate for a better pact means supporting the claim. By this it means that before asking for additional compensation, benefits and such, it should be properly justified. Claiming multi-tasking work is not enough. Significant achievements, contributions and milestones are only some of the better key points that can be pointed out to a company. Some people may consider visualizing a department, how it would function in his absence. This is an effective way of finding out the importance of a person and weigh out the options if such occurrences are crucial for the department contributions towards the company growth and operations. The impact shall be felt, and only then can they consider enumerating certain dues which they think are fair and just for them.

Further Articles for Reading

Negotiating for a Better Compensation Package by Nick Thomas

Getting The Salary You Deserve

Negotiating a Raise, New Job Title, or Bonuses by Teena Rose 


Originally posted on August 5, 2006 @ 9:05 am


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