This work is more on a personnel matter rather than an organizational concern. Administrative and Human Resources departments are responsible for the proper identification of needs and ensuring that they are kept in line and following the set guidelines, policies and procedures that the company enforces. While their duties are more efficiently evaluated by their immediate supervisors and department, the proper monitoring and feedback with regards to performance and corporate loyalty are left to the jurisdiction of the human resources department.

Employee Disciplinary Action



For most companies, having a personnel department to handle these issues, provides an able support for most management teams, leaving the headaches for erring employees to their mercy. Other organizations, which make do without a human resources department, approach such issues carefully, and ideally, the proper procedure for them is to immediately terminate the employee without just cause. This is easier said than done, but the process of termination should be done in a systematic manner, usually done through initial verbal warnings, memorandums and the like, all depending on the severity of the offense made. The process is not really a personal vendetta for most organizations, but merely implementing a professional way of handling.


Usually, most people would take this in a different way, especially the rank and file personnel who only care about compensation and benefits. The law of averages will eventually catch up with them, and when it does, they should be prepared to face the consequences, especially people who are caught cheating and fooling the companies by practices that are totally unprofessional and unacceptable towards corporate operations and loyalty.

Other Reference Articles:

Employee Termination: Does it have to be Painful? by Bob Selden

How to Fire and Employee by Mark R. Waterfill

The Lowdown on Firing Employees

Originally posted on July 29, 2006 @ 2:22 am


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