Employee Unions that are usually put up by leaders to safeguard the rights and due from companies are often up for criticism by most sectors. Some companies avoid these labor unions as much as possible, because ideally, they are key ingredients for trouble and conflicts in a corporate setting. Most of the time headaches will ensue, especially on the part of assigned human resources personnel, the department that is usually caught in between the bargaining process of a company and its employees. 


The collective bargaining agreement is a binding contract that specifies the facts, agreements and package that has been rationally agreed upon by both leaders, one from the company, and the other the labor leader assigned to negotiate the pact. This usually takes a long process, most of the time caused by disagreements on certain components of the CBA agreement. Rarely will there be an immediate consent from both parties, in most cases stand-offs are experienced when neither wants to budge and give way. In worst case scenarios, strikes and layoffs are experienced, both hampering business operations and employee take home pays in the process.


The Collective Bargaining Agreement aims to equalize and settle issues and concerns largely on the compensation of the employee and the expected production that a company can expect from them. The best solution for such scenarios is usually the settled contract between the company and the employee requisitions.

Originally posted on July 30, 2006 @ 11:59 pm


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